This update fixes the problems inadvertently introduced in Maple 2019.2, namely:

  • Maple failed to run the code in the maple.ini/.mapleinit initialization files when loading existing worksheets containing a restart() command
  • Installing some packages from the MapleCloud was unsuccessful

For anyone who installed the 2019.2 update, installing 2019.2.1 will fix these problems.

If you are at Maple 2019.1 or earlier, installing this update will bring you straight to Maple 2019.2.1.

This update is available through Tools>Check for Updates in Maple, and is also available from our website on the Maple 2019.2.1 download page.

If you are a MapleSim user, please note that these problems do not affect your use of MapleSim. If you use Maple on its own, and if you use Maple command initialization files and/or you need to install a package from the MapleCloud that does not work, please contact Maplesoft Technical Support for assistance.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we worked through this issue.

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