If you haven’t seen the posts already, the Maple Conference is coming up on the 2nd and 3rd of November! Last year’s art competition was very popular, so this year, not only are we holding the Maple Art and Creative Works Exhibit again, but we’ve decided to extend the art competition to include a Maple Learn Art Showcase!

You may be wondering what math art can be created in Maple Learn, and what the requirements are for the conference. Let’s address the first question first.

The best way to learn what kind of math art can be made is by taking a look at our Maple Learn Art document collection! This collection is in the Maple Learn document gallery, and includes art created by users with different levels of math and Maple Learn knowledge.

Many examples of art are shown in the collection, but take a look at this art piece, which shows a fun character made with functions!


We not only have static art, but animations as well. Take a look at this document, which shows an animated flower and bee, all created with math and Maple Learn.


Now for the conference requirements. The submission requirement date is October 14th 2022, and there’s only one criterion for submission:

  • Art must be created in Maple Learn, and submissions must include the Maple Learn document.


Feel free to include any extra information about yourself and your artwork directly in the document. You can share your submission by using the share icon in the top right of the Maple Learn UI. This will create a URL, which can be sent to gallery@maplesoft.com. Don’t forget to include your name in the emailed submission! Please contact us if you’re unsure about any of the criteria, or if you have any other questions!

It may seem overwhelming, but remember: submitting something gives you a chance to share your art with the world and not submitting removes that chance! If you'd like more information about the Maple Learn Art Showcase or the Maple Art and Creative Works Exhibit, please check out our page on submissions for the art gallery on the Maplesoft website, or check out this example submission. See you all next time!

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