A long while ago, I wrote a couple posts (part1 and part2) about mining data from the US SSA website.  I subsequently adapted the code from those blog posts into a visual application with sliders and interactive plots.  If you have played with the new ?MapleCloud functionality in Maple 14, you may have seen it posted already.

In case you had not, I though I would post it here (it should work in Maple versions 13 and higher).

Download: UnisexNames-withdata.mw [637kb]

This version has cached data for 1970 to 1980, but has the ability to download other years on demand.

I chose these years for the following phenomenon:

There was a giant spike in the number of children named Jaime and Jamie from 1975 to 1978.  Clicking on the largest purple region in the above plot in the worksheet give details for "Jaime" showing the spike is mainly due to an increase in baby girls with the name:

Much discussion was generated in the Maplesoft office about this graph, and eventually we came up with a theory for the spike.  Any guesses as to what we came up with?

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