We have published an update to MaplePrimes today that addresses a number of reported issues with the site, and also introduces some new features.  Much of what has changed has been in direct response to your suggestions and feedback, and I sincereley thank you for that!  

Please note that we have plans to make other substantial changes in the not-too-distant future.  I have written in the past about improvements we want to make to search (including adding an advanced search feature), provide different ways of sorting content within the site, adding a "printable" thread option, and more.

In the meantime, please keep your suggestions and comments coming.

Downvoting Removed
One of the first things that you will notice is that we have removed downvoting from the site.  It was an interesting experiment from our standpoint, but one that ultimately was not used very much and more importantly, many MaplePrimes did not like it.

My Favorites
There is a lot of great stuff on MaplePrimes, and keeping track of favorite posts has been a challenge.  I know that some of you make local copies of your favorite posts, and some of even keep printed versions of content. In order to make this job easier, we have added the ability for you to easily add a post or question to your personal collection of favourite posts.

To add content, simply click on the 'add to favourites button' that appears underneath the up-vote icon on every post and question.


All of your favourite content is available from the new Favorites bar in your profile area, and you can view a list of other user's favorites from within their profiles.

Favorites also have an impact on your MaplePrimes reputation.  When someone 'favorites' one of your articles, your reputation will increase by 5; when one of your articles is removed, your reputation will decrease by 5.

We can see a lot of fun possibilities when it comes to how we use favorites going forward. But in the meantime, you can start saving content right away.

Updates to Badges
Shortly, you will notice some new badges, as well as some changes to existing badges.   I will update this post with the details when the changes are available.

Bug Fixes
In addition to the new features, we have corrected a variety of bugs.  Most notably, the hole that was allowing users to repeatedly post spam has been taken care of. 

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