knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square only once. This problem mentioned in  page of tasks still without  Maple implementation. 

The post presents the implementation of this task in Maple. Required parameter of the procedure (named  KnightTour)  is  address  - the address of the initial square in the algebraic notation. The second parameter  opt  is optional parameter:

1) if  opt is sequence  (by default) then  the procedure returns the sequence of moves of the knight in the usual algebraic notation,

2)  if  opt is diagram   then  the procedure returns the plot of moves of the knight and  sequentially numbers all the visited squares,

3) if  opt is animation  then  the procedure returns an animation of moves of the knight.

In the procedure is used a solution with maximum symmetry by George Jelliss,


Code of the procedure:

KnightTour := proc(address::symbol, opt::symbol := sequence)

local L, n, L1, k, i, j, squares, border, chessboard, letters, digits, L2, L3, Tour, T, F;

uses ListTools, plottools, plots;

L := [a1, b3, d2, c4, a5, b7, d8, e6, d4, b5, c7, a8, b6, c8, a7, c6, b8, a6, b4, d5, e3, d1, b2, a4, c5, d7, f8, h7, f6, g8, h6, f7, h8, g6, e7, f5, h4, g2, e1, d3, e5, g4, f2, h1, g3, f1, h2, f3, g1, h3, g5, e4, d6, e8, g7, h5, f4, e2, c1, a2, c3, b1, a3, c2];

n := Search(address, L);

L1 := [L[n .. 64][], L[1 .. n-1][]];

if opt = sequence then return L1[] fi;

k := 0;

for i to 8 do

for j from `if`(type(i, odd), 1, 2) by 2 to 8 do

k := k+1;

squares[k] := polygon([[i-1/2, j-1/2], [i-1/2, j+1/2], [i+1/2, j+1/2], [i+1/2, j-1/2]], color = grey);

od;  od;

squares := convert(squares, list);

border := curve([[1/2, 1/2], [1/2, 17/2], [17/2, 17/2], [17/2, 1/2], [1/2, 1/2]], color = black, thickness = 4);

chessboard := display(squares, border);

letters := [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h];

digits := [$ 1 .. 8];

L2 := convert~(L1, string);

L3 := subs(letters=~digits, map(t->[parse(t[1]), parse(t[2])], L2));

Tour := curve(L3, color = red, thickness = 3);

T := textplot([seq([op(L3[i]), i], i = 1 .. 64)], align = above, font = [times, bold, 16]);

if opt = diagram then return display(chessboard, Tour, T, axes = none) fi;

F := seq(display(chessboard, curve(L3[1 .. s], color = red, thickness = 3), textplot([seq([op(L3[i]), i], i = 1 .. s)], align = above, font = [times, bold, 16])), s = 1 .. 64);

display(seq(F[i]$5, i = 1 .. 64), insequence = true, axes = none);

end proc:


 Examples of use:


KnightTour(f3, diagram);



KnightTour(f3, animation);


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