Good book to start studying maple for engineering.



restart; with(plots)

Australopithecus := [[75, 25], [97, 30], [93, 40], [93, 45], [83, 50], [80, 55], [79, 60], [81, 73], [74, 76], [68, 81], [60, 82], [50, 83], [40, 80], [30, 71], [25, 60], [24, 50], [25, 37], [15, 33], [10, 30], [45, 10], [55, 16], [65, 10], [80, 8], [93, 14], [96, 24]]:

man := [[95, 39], [113, 40], [111, 47], [118, 53], [113, 62], [109, 72], [112, 88], [112, 95], [107, 112], [99, 117], [85, 122], [72, 122], [49, 117], [36, 104], [31, 78], [39, 52], [43, 43], [44, 34], [39, 16], [73, 3], [81, 17], [98, 14], [105, 17], [104, 26], [111, 33]]:

morph := proc (poly1, poly2, t) if nops(poly1) <> nops(poly2) then ERROR("mensaje.") end if; [seq([(1-t)*op(1, op(k, poly1))+t*op(1, op(k, poly2)), (1-t)*op(2, op(k, poly1))+t*op(2, op(k, poly2))], k = 1 .. nops(poly1))] end proc:

display([seq(polygonplot(morph(Australopithecus, man, (1/20)*k), scaling = constrained), k = 0 .. 19)], insequence = true, axes = none);





Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple

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