Just installing Maple 2023 on my office machine (a mac); installed it on my travel computer (a Surface Pro running Windows) yesterday.

Configured Jupyter notebooks to use the 2023 Maple Kernel and it all went smoothly.  I was *delighted* to notice that plotting Lambert W in Jupyter with the command

plot( [W(x), W(-1,x)], x=-1..4, view=[-1..4, -3.5..1.5], colour=[red,blue], scaling=constrained, labels=[x,W(x)] );

produced a *better* plot near the branch point.  This is hard to do automatically!  It turns out this is a side effect of the better/faster/more memory efficient adaptive plotting software, which I gather from "What's New" was written for efficiency not for quality.  But the quality is better, too!  Nice!

I am working my. way through the "What's New" and I'm really pleased to learn about the new univariate polynomial rootfinder, *not least because it cites the paper describing the algorithm*.  Lots of other goodies too; the new methods of integration look like serious improvements.  Well done. (One thing there: "parallel Risch" is a term of art, and may lead people to believe that Maple is doing something with parallel computing there.  I don't think so.  Could a reference be supplied?)

The new colour schemes and plotting features in 3d and contour plotting look fabulous.

Direct Python language support from a code edit region is not at all what I expected to see---I wonder if it will work in a Jupyter notebook?  I'm going to have to try it...

I'm quite impressed.  The folks at Maplesoft have been working very hard indeed.  Congratulations on a fine release!


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