Maple gives different error messages to the same input depending on whether the input is done with Maple notation or 2D Math Input.

My example is to enter the following erroneous input in both Maple notation and 1D math notation:

plot( sin(x, x=0..1 );

Clearly this is missing a right parenthesis after the first x.

Here is how this section of my worksheet copies into MaplePrimes:

> plot( sin (x, x=0..1 );
Error, unable to match delimiters
 Typesetting:-mambiguous(plotlpar sin (xcomma xequals0periodperiod1 )semi, 

   Typesetting:-merror("unable to match delimiters"))
plot( sin(x, x=0..1 );
Error, `;` unexpected

My concern is that different error messages are reported. I think this has been mentioned before, but I want to reinforce the point.


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