
ich have an economics model considering the effects ot temporary work on the labor market. Under a specific calibration of the model parameters, i arrive at the following "flow" eqautions, that determine the relative magnitude of "regular employment" E, "unemployment" U and the temporary work sector A and T. The flow equations are:

1.0*U+1.0*A+1.0*T = .2*E

.2*E+.3*A = 1.0*U+6.9*sqrt((3.*mt*sqrt(mt^2)-8.)^2/(-12.+mt*sqrt(mt^2))^2)*U

6.9*sqrt((3.*mt*sqrt(mt^2)-8.)^2/(-12.+mt*sqrt(mt^2))^2)*U+.2*T = 1.3*A+.50*mt*sqrt(mt^2)*A

.50*mt*sqrt(mt^2)*A = 1.2*T

E+A+T+U = 100


The last equation is just an identity, ensuring that E, A , T and U have values between 0 and 100%.

mt is  a very interessting parameter. When i set mt to a certain value and solve the system using the "solve"-command, i get an solution.

But i wish to plot the behavior of E, A, T, and U in response to an increase of mt. Therefore i did not calibrate mt in this case. Applying the "solve"-command under those circumstances results in the massage:"Warning, solutions may have been lost", what actually happens.  I thougt, maple delivers solutions of E, A, T and U depending on mt.

I am using Maple 11 for just one week now and it is quite astonishing how  easily it can be handeled. This is the first major problem i seem unable to solve without help. If somebody has an idea, how to solve this problem, please give me a hint :-)









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