I have moved the issue here, since my original post in the "how do I" forum generated no help.

The omexample.c file for calling Maple from C has no make file.

The READEME.txt file in the directory containing omexample.c suggests: "Refer to ?OpenMaple,Examples"

The result of  "?OpenMaple,Examples" does not seem to explicitly specify the required magic to make things work...  Following what appears to be intimated, I typed (to bash):

export MAPLE=/home/dpaddy/bin/maple12


gcc -Wall -g -o stats stats.c  -lc -lm -I$MAPLE/extern/include -L$MAPLE/bin.X86_64_LINUX -lmaplec -lrt

My source is stats.c which, as for the maple part, is essentially omexample.c

I do not get a clean build; gcc complains "stats.c:95: warning: implicit declaration of function 'isspace'".

However, typing ./stats does invoke the executable, which runs and enters the read-execute loop as one would expect... All seems fine, until I try to do more than simple arithmetic by evaluating an integral.  I then am met with the error message "Error, (in ifactor/SmallFactors/ext) external library libmodLA.so could not be found/used".

Exiting the program and typing "env" (to bash) confirms


Moreover, typing "ls /home/dpaddy/bin/maple12/bin.X86_64_LINUX" (to bash) confirms that libmodLA.so is indeed in that directory.

I tried copying a license file to the directory containing the executable, but that did not help.  I also tried using the omexample.c source file instead of my extended version stats.c, but the results are as reported above.

Does anyone know how to produce a fully operational executable, able to use the dynamically linked libraries?  What magic is needed, and how do I administer it to my linux box?

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