> with(plots):
> with(plottools):
> plot1 := plot(1, t = (Pi-Pi/4)..(Pi+Pi/4), filled = true, color = coral):
> H := transform((t, r) -> [4*(1-r)*cos(t)+3*(r)*cos(t), 4*(1-r)*sin(t)+3*(r)*sin(t)]):
> display(H(plot1),view = [-5 .. -5, -4 .. 4]);


What i'm expecting is a plot of the polar region defined by 3r4 and 3π/4θ5π/4, but what I get instead has a big wedge in it.  That is to say that when do this in classic worksheet 11 or command line maple 11 you get the wedge.  It works in Full GUI Maple 11.  What gives?

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