As a direct result of the tab indentation nuisance reported in the three threads today I have rolled back my system from Maple 11 to Maple 9.5: I have spend quite some time today manually going through all the Maple documents which have been contaminated by loads and loads of XML codes which Maple 11 produces. I should say, that this decision of mine has been taken after having spend some days experimenting with external text editors, as suggested by several in the last thread above, and having concluded that even though it is indeed technically possible to work that way it does just not tally with my way of using Maple. So after having spend a lot of money upgrading from Maple 9.5 to Maple 11, and after having had my research disrupted for six weeks by these distractions, which have been forced upon me because MapleSoft decided to release a faulty product, I am finally back where I started. Way to go, MapleSoft!

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