Not sure where to report this. I tried emailing tech support through the web form, but it rejected my valid product code (nice). Here's the text of my message: I've just started using Maple 11 (upgrade from Maple 10) and I'm getting a really bad crash. All I'm doing at this point is experimenting and learning (new user), so the types of input I'm dealing with are along the lines of: > restart; > plot(sin(x), x=-5..5); And the like. The problem is, in some circumstances, but not others, Maple 11 will just shut down. No messages, no warning, nothing. It's just gone, and whatever I was working on is gone too. It *seems* to be triggered by double-clicking on an expression, in either document or worksheet mode. What can I do to file a proper bug report, assuming this happens again? I imagine there's some type of trace available from the Java VM, but I need help finding it. Thanks much, Peter

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