i am trying to solve: L_fire_7 := 0.5*trans_7 * p *((2 * h * c^2 / (lambda_7)^5) * (1 / (exp(h*c/(k*lambda_7*T)) -1))) = L7; L_fire_21 := 0.83*trans_21 * p *((2 * h * c^2 / (lambda_21)^5) * (1 / (exp(h*c/(k*lambda_21*T)) -1))) = L21; for T and p using PolynomialSystem. the result contains _X. i have no idea what that symbol means and can't find anything in the manual nor on the web. any help is highly appreciated! (also in regard to how to solve this better than using PolynomialSystem). -florian

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