Hello , I have been trying to plot the solution to a boundary layer problem using Maple via the following programme: >BVP:={0.1*diff(y(x),[x$2]) + (x^0.5)*diff(y(x),x) - y(x) = 0, y(0)=0,y(1)=exp(2)}; >J:=dsolve(BVP,y(x), type=numeric,method=bvp[midrich]); >plots[odeplot](J,[x,y(x)], 0..1,color=blue,style=line,symbol=circle, symbolsize=12); However,before I can write the instructions to plot, I get an error message saying: "Error,(in dsolve/numeric,bvp) unable to achieve requested accuracy of 0.1e-5 with maximum 128 point mesh (was able to get 0.17e-4), consider increasing "maxmesh" or using larger "abserr" ." Can someone please explain how to increase "maxmesh" or to use larger "abserr"? Thanks

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