A student of mine recently asked what algorithm Maple uses to calculate Eigenvalues. So, I tried diving into Maple Procedures. For example: >showstat(`Eigenvalues`); LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvalues := proc(A) .. [error catchers ommitted] .. 17 LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-Eigenvalues(`if` ... end proc How should I interpret that last line? Can I get Maple to show me what that procedure does? So far I've no luck cracking it. Also, is this the best/easiest way of going about learning what types of algorithms Maple uses. I understand that some (/many/all) of them may be proprietary and the persons at Waterloo may not want the general public knowing them, but even an answer as simple as "Accelerated Newton-Jacobi algorithm" would be good. --Schivnorr

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