I would like to give a big welcome to everyone who just found out about this site at the Maple Conference. I hope that all of you will find the site to be very useful and enjoyable to use. For those of you who are not attending the conference, it is Maplesoft's annual gathering of Maple users. This year it is taking place at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. Today was a very busy day at the conference. It began at 8:30 AM with a welcoming by Tom Lee, (known as Tom 4 on Primes). The attendees were then given an overview of Maple 10 by Laurent Bernardin, the Chief Scientist of Maplesoft. Next was a talk from Dr. Brian Ford of the Numerical Algorithms Group. His talk was a great overview of the progress of Numerical Algorithms over the years. His timeline started back in the days of Turing and progressed all of the way up to today. Next came the announcement of several key Maplesoft products, most important to all of you reading this was the announcement of the new MaplePrimes. Again, I welcome you all. After lunch we heard about some great teaching techniques being used by Dr. Andre Heck at the Amstel Institute in Amsterdam. The rest of the afternoon was given back to the users where many top Maple users gave talks about what they are using Maple for. Topics ranged from the design of automotive control systems to teaching using the Maple Excel link. Finally, to finish off the day, we had the Maple Conference banquet. The attendees were first entertained by the violin playing of Elaine Ho as they socialized over wine and cheese. Next, was a great meal and a talk from Dr. Bary Wilson from Splinex Technologies. Dr Wilson gave many wonderful examples on the advantages of 3D visualization in many different fields. Overall, it was a day full of many different and exciting things. I look forward to everything that is going to be taking place tomorrow.

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