We're now getting into the final points. One thing that I envisioned for this site is some way for individuals to showcase themselves and if they wanted to share certain identifying and possibly fun information. Currently that section looks extremely corporate and wreaks of someone wanting spam targets.

My suggestions are,

1) remove telephone numbers all together
2) keep addresses as knowing what country, city, organization etc.
3) My job is, (choose one only):
- technical professional in industry or government
- professor or university staff
- graduate student
- undergraduat student
- other

4) My primary interest is (are), [can choose more than one]
- pure mathematics
- applied mathematics
- computer science
- physical sciences
- engineering sciences
- other

5) I have [ ] years of Maple experience

6) My favorite mathematician/scientist is [ ]

8) My favorite artist/musician/performer is [ ]

9) My hobbies are [ ]

10) My top 3 specific wishes for improving Maple are:
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Also can we have a mechanism for

1) personal picture
2) CV or biography
3) favorite links

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