MapleSim 2021 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim 2021

I have maplesim installed and I get the error "Error, `MapleSim` does not evaluate to a module" when I run A:=MapleSim:-LinkModel(); in a Maple worksheet.

Does anyone know how to solve this error?

Hi there!

I have developed a component in Modelica to import values from a Matlab struct into MapleSim and use it with other components. This data is saved in a ".mat" file and the struct was constructed as follows:

% Matlab command window
% Struct name is "bemData" saved in a v7 format to be read in by Modelica
>> bemData.m33 = 100;
>> bemData.Ainf33 = 100;
>> bemData.Khs33 = 20000;
>> bemData.ss_rad33.A = [1 1;0 1];
>> bemData.ss_rad33.B = [1;0];
>> bemData.ss_rad33.C = [1 1];
>> bemData.ss_rad33.D = 0;
>> save -v7 bemData.mat

And the Modelica code I am using to try import this into MapleSim is as follows:

Modelica.SIunits.Mass M = scalar(Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.m33",1,1));

Modelica.SIunits.Mass Ainf = scalar(Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.Ainf33",1,1));

Modelica.SIunits.TranslationalSpringConstant C = scalar(Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.Khs33",1,1));
Real A[2,2] = Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.ss_rad33.A",2,2);

Real B[1,2] = transpose(Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.ss_rad33.B",2,1));

Real C[1,2] = Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.ss_rad33.C",1,2);

Real D = scalar(Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readRealMatrix("bemData.mat","bemData.ss_rad33.D",1,1));

I then use these imported variables to solve ODEs, and the result is incorrect. I have narrowed it down to the fact that MapleSim/Modelica imports a value of 0 in place of the original data in the struct. Moreover, there is no way to attach a probe to any of the imported variables in MapleSim (I need to force all model variables to be displayed in the Simulation results tab).

I would appreciate help in pointing out where I might be making a mistake. My primary concern is why a value of 0 is being imported in place of the actual Matlab struct data. When I use Matlab's command window to check the contents of the struct, they appear to be in order.

Also, I have saved the struct file in the same folder in which my custom component is stored (the Modelica file where I have written the code to import the data). Should I be saving this file elsewhere?

Thank you!

Copying and Pasting of parameters (entered data) or text in text boxes does not work on my MapleSim 2021.1 Windows10 installation.

I tired the usual keys and context menus. Cutting works.

Thats what I get back when I paste text here after cutting

<math xmlns=''></math>

Copy&Paste of components works.  

Is this a known issue?

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