Question: Assign linestyle in LineChart plot


I have the following problem:

I have an array of values stored in F[i,j] and plot them using the LineChart tool:

LineChart([seq([seq(F[i, j], j = dmin .. dmax)], i = 1 .. 3)], xcoords = [seq(0.1e-1*2^(k-1), k = dmin .. dmax)],  color = mycolor);

This way, I obtain 3 curves, each of them with a different color as defined by mycolor.

However, for a publication in black and white I would now like to assign different linestyles to the different curves. Therefore, I've already tried something like:

LineChart([seq([seq(F[i, j], j = dmin .. dmax)], i = 1 .. 3)], xcoords = [seq(0.1e-1*2^(k-1), k = dmin .. dmax)],  color = black, linestyle=[solid, dash, dot]);

This doesn't work. It seems that LineChart doesn't accept a list of linestyles, although plot() does.

Does anybody have a suggestion how to solve or avoid this problem? I'd be very grateful ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance,



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