Question: Equations of motion to state space


I am in need of help with Maple Linearize and an exremely crypitc and most un-helpful error message. What does this mean:

> linmod := Linearize(syss, parm, linp);
Error, invalid input: Linearize uses a 4th argument, linpoint (of type {list(`=`), set(`=`)}), which is missing

I can find nothing in the help in this.

Linearize works fine when running a sample program from the help files, but fails when I run my equations.  


Secondly, I need state space form from these equations

(X = )

Is there a better way to go about converting the equaitons of motion into SS?


Any advise please

thank you



Error, invalid input: Linearize uses a 4th argument, linpoint (of type {list(`=`), set(`=`)}), which is missing





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