Question: simplification example

How can I most succinctly and straightforwardly get Maple to simplify f below to g below?

> f:=(6*x^2-6*x+6)^(1/2)*(2*x^2-2*x+2)^(1/2);

                          (1/2)                 (1/2)
          /   2          \      /   2          \     
          \6 x  - 6 x + 6/      \2 x  - 2 x + 2/     

> g:=simplify(f) assuming x::real;

                        (1/2) / 2        \
                     2 3      \x  - x + 1/

> simplify(g-f);


> 1/simplify(rationalize(1/f)); # no better way?

                        (1/2) / 2        \
                     2 3      \x  - x + 1/

I am interested in the simplest way to get g from f without making assumptions on x.

Shouldn't combine/radical be able to handle this?

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