Question: How can I make a point, moving according to some rules.


 Sorry for my english, I'm french! :)

I try to make a modelisation of pedestrian dynamics.



There's someone, (a dot in Maple) at some randomn place in a square.


He want to go to another place.

So, there's 3 dot in Maple:

- S: The start fixed

- X: Mr X who is traveling from S to E

- E: The end fixed

so, without any rule, X is drawing a line from S to E.


But there's a rule:

Mr X keeps a certain distance from the borders of the square.

He feels more uncomfortable the closer to a border he walks.

So, there's a "force" with repulsive effects applying on him:


is the vector distance X/border.

with U0XB= 10 m^2/s^2 and R=0,2m


But I can't handle to make it on Maple...

Can you help me?



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