Question: PDEs in Maple 15

I was trying to solve a PDE with boundary conditions and maple 15 didn´t give no answer. 

Is there something wrong? I'm just trying to solve a textbook problem om electrodynamics in maple.



[CanonicalCoordinates, ChangeSymmetry, CharacteristicQ, CharacteristicQInvariants, ConservedCurrentTest, ConservedCurrents, ConsistencyTest, D_Dx, DeterminingPDE, Eta_k, Euler, FromJet, FunctionFieldSolutions, InfinitesimalGenerator, Infinitesimals, IntegratingFactorTest, IntegratingFactors, InvariantEquation, InvariantSolutions, InvariantTransformation, Invariants, Laplace, Library, PDEplot, PolynomialSolutions, ReducedForm, SimilaritySolutions, SimilarityTransformation, Solve, SymmetryCommutator, SymmetryGauge, SymmetrySolutions, SymmetryTest, SymmetryTransformation, TWSolutions, ToJet, build, casesplit, charstrip, dchange, dcoeffs, declare, diff_table, difforder, dpolyform, dsubs, mapde, separability, splitstrip, splitsys, undeclare]


V := diff_table(v(x, y));

table( [(  ) = v(x, y) ] )


edp1 := V[x, x]+V[y, y] = 0

diff(diff(v(x, y), x), x)+diff(diff(v(x, y), y), y) = 0


bc1 := v(x, 0) = 0, v(x, pi) = 0, v(0, y) = sin(y), limit(v(x, y), x = infinity) = 0;

v(x, 0) = 0, v(x, pi) = 0, v(0, y) = sin(y), limit(v(x, y), x = infinity) = 0


sys := [edp1, bc1]

[diff(diff(v(x, y), x), x)+diff(diff(v(x, y), y), y) = 0, v(x, 0) = 0, v(x, pi) = 0, v(0, y) = sin(y), limit(v(x, y), x = infinity) = 0]


sol1 := pdsolve(sys, v(x, y));

Error, (in pdsolve/sys) the given system is not polynomial in the variables {v}






Thanks for your help

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