Question: Quantum mechanics capabilities of Maple and user experiences (Mathcad vs Maple)?

I am currently taking a course in quantum mechanics using the second edition of McQuarrie's Quantum Chemistry text. I plan to take a QM II course, more concentrating on atomic and molecular spectra. I have been using Mathcad 15, which includes Maple functionality (please pardon my stating the obvious). Mathcad, however, seems to lack functionality (or I have not found it) that would be helpful, like the ability to easily define an operator. Since Maple and Matchad are similar, I am considering a switch to the student version of Maple.

I am lead to believe by this link that Maple includes the ability to easily define an operator such as those used in QM. I hate to appear skeptical, however, I have the following questions:

  1. Does the Maple 15 student version include this functionality?
  2. From a user standpoint, I would like to hear from any users who have used the QM functionality. Specifically, what is your experience with it, and how easy was it to use?
  3. What kind of learning curve might I expect in switching from Mathcad to Maple?
  4. Are there any other users who have made this same switch from Mathcad to Maple and what were your reasons for doing so as well as your experience?
  5. Will Maple import Mathcad files? If so, what Mathcad versions are supported?

I realize that comparing Maple with Mathcad may be similar to comparing apples to oranges; however, before I spend the extra $$ on Maple, I would like to have some understanding of what I might encounter.

Thank you for your time.

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