Question: How do I solve the following system of equations?


Could you please help me with the following system of equations:

> restart; with(student);
> Z[0] = 377;
> solve({Z = 1/(j*w*C[1]+1/(j*w*L[1])+1/R)+1/(j*w*C[2]+1/(j*w*L[2])), C[1] = w[c]*(w[0]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[1]^2)/(2*Z[0]*(w[1]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[0]^2-w[1]^2)), C[2] = w[c]*(w[0]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[1]^2)/(2*Z[0]*(w[1]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[0]^2)), L[1] = 1/(w[1]^2*C[1]), L[2] = 1/(w[2]^2*C[2]), R[1] = subs(w = w[1], 2*Z[0]*(1-S[21])/S[21]), R[2] = subs(w = w[2], 2*Z[0]*(1-S[21])/S[21]), S[11] = abs(Z/(2*Z[0]+Z)), S[21] = abs(2*Z[0]/(2*Z[0]+Z)), w[0] = sqrt(L[1]+L[2])/sqrt(L[1]/w[2]^2+L[2]/w[1]^2), 2*Z[0]/sqrt(4*Z[0]+1/(w[c]*C[1]-1/(w[c]*L[1]))+1/(w[c]*C[2]-1/(w[c]*L[2]))) = 1/sqrt(2)}, {C[1], C[2], L[1], L[2], R[1], R[2]});

I don't have any errors or any result...

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