Question: How to "save" data imported from an Excel file

Dear Maple users

I am working on importing data from an Excel-file "Data.xlsx" into Maple. This is done using the following commands:

> restart;
> with(ExcelTools);
> X := Import("Data.xlsx", 1, "A3:A63");

One strange behavior is the fact that I receive an error message: Error, (in ExcelTools:-Import) Could not open the file.

When I close the Maple file and open it again and reexecute, the error disappers and everything works. I assume this is a bug? Anyway my question really is something else:

After importing the data from the Excel file, is there a way to "save" the data in the Maple file? I mean if I throw away the Excel file and reexecute all data is lost. Is there a way to "save" the imported data in the Maple file, so I no longer need the Excel file behind the scene? If there is, how is it done most conveniently?



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