Question: How to write all tangent of planes of a sphere from a list?

I have a list L. In geom3d, I want to write all tangent of plane of the spherefrom L. But I don't know. I only write one point . I tried 

> restart:


L:=[[-5, -5, 8], [-5, -1, 10], [-5, 3, 10], [-5, 7, 8], [-5, 8, -5], [-5, 8, 7], [-5, 10, -1], [-5, 10, 3], [-1, -5, 10], [-1, 7, 10], [-1, 10, -5], [-1, 10, 7], [3, -5, 10], [3, 7, 10], [3, 10, -5], [3, 10, 7], [7, -5, 8], [7, -1, 10], [7, 3, 10], [7, 7, 8], [7, 8, -5], [7, 8, 7], [7, 10, -1], [7, 10, 3], [8, -5, -5], [8, -5, 7], [8, 7, -5], [8, 7, 7], [10, -5, -1], [10, -5, 3], [10, -1, -5], [10, -1, 7], [10, 3, -5], [10, 3, 7], [10, 7, -1], [10, 7, 3]]:


eqS:=Equation(sphere(S,(x-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 +(z-1)^2 -121=0,[x,y,z],'centername'=T)):



How to write all tangent of planes of the sphere from the list L?


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