Question: Additional Statements in Procedures

Thanks very much for your help!
So I've done this so far:
Marks:=proc(m::nonnegative, numeric)
if m < 40 then print (m, Fail)
elif m < 50 then print (m, `Third Class`)
elif m < 60 then print (m, `Lower Second Class`)
elif m < 70 then print (m, `Upper Second Class`)
elif m < 100 then print (m, `First Class`)
elif m > 100 then print (`error`)
end if;
end proc;
proc(m::nonnegative, numeric) ... end;
30, Fail
40.9, Third Class
Error, invalid input: Marks expects its 1st argument, m, to be of type 
nonnegative and numeric, but received One

The error above shows that the procedure understood that numeric
 values were the only values to be considered therefore showed an error.

Error, invalid input: Marks expects its 1st argument, m, to be of type
 nonnegative and numeric, but received -3

Again, another example to show that this particular procedure will only
 take nonnegative and numeric numbers.

59.8, Lower Second Class
Not quite sure how to do this part:
If the mark is within 3 marks of the interval’s upper bound, a statement 
should be added indicating that the grade is ‘borderline’.
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