Question: substitute the result of NonlinearFit into formula and plot together with raw data

Hi, I want to substitute the result from NonlinearFit into formula and plot together with raw data.

I have two files v.txt and i.txt , v stands for voltage, i stands for current, using formulato fit my raw data,

The picture is captured from my screen.


I want to use the result of NonlinearFit , here it is [i0 = 0.495258138341000e-5, n0 = 3.48334216294802, rs = 301.048792400526] subsitute into the formula above and make a plot, then the plot combine together with my row data, where V from 0 to 1 at a increment of 0.01. In order to see how the fitting result is good or not, the v is x-axis, i is y-axis, and take log for y-axis, and use different symbol or colar to compare them. Thank you.


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