Question: Maple - Error (in plots:-display)


I tried this on maple:

eps1 := [0, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1]:
start1 := 2.3:
base1 := 1.1:
for i from 1 to 6 do
R := start1*base1**0:
points1[i] := [R, evalf(eval(mH, {M=1, r=R, epsilon = eps1[i]}))]:
for a from 1 to 20 do
R := start1*base1**a:
points1[i] := points1[i], [R, evalf(eval(mH, {M=1, r=R, epsilon = eps1[i]}))]:
end do:
end do:
setoptions(symbol = diamond, symbolsize = 12, color = black),
plot([points1[1]]), pointplot([points1[1]]),
plot([points1[2]]), pointplot([points1[2]]),
plot([points1[3]]), pointplot([points1[3]]),
plot([points1[4]]), pointplot([points1[4]]),
plot([points1[5]]), pointplot([points1[5]]),
plot([points1[6]]), pointplot([points1[6]]),
textplot({[16,1.0, epsilon_ = 0.0],[16, 0.95, epsilon_ = 0.2],
[16, 0.84, epsilon_ = 0.4],[16, 0.95, epsilon_ = 0.6],
[16, 0.5, epsilon_ = 0.8],[16, 0.29, epsilon_ = 1.0]},
axis[1] = [mode = log, gridlines = [8, thickness = 1, subticks = false, color = grey]],
axis[2] = [gridlines = [color = grey]],
view = [2 .. 16, .25 .. 1.03]

But got this error:
Error, (in plots:-display) cannot make plot structure from object with name pointplot

What is wrong here?

*The complete calculation is here:

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