Question: How can i display numerical data?

Hi, I need some help with my code. I got the code that you can see below:

> with(DEtools);

> with(plots);


> cc := Array(["Blue", "Red", "DarkGoldenrod", "Black", "LimeGreen", "DarkMagenta", "Indigo"]);

> ll := Array(["dash", "longdash", "spacedash", "solid", "spacedot", "dot", "dashdot"]);


> L := 10;                               

> N := 1;

> eq1 := (diff(g(t), t))/t = -(1/2)*f(t)^2*(1-f(t)^2);

> eq2 := diff(f(t), t) = f(t)*g(t)/t;

> sys_ode_LIV := eq1, eq2;

>bcs_LIV := g(0) = N, f(L) = 1

> sys1a := {bcs_LIV, sys_ode_LIV}

>sysx := eval(sys1a): 

dsnx := dsolve(sysx, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], continuation = lambda, maxmesh = 20000, initmesh = 20000, abserr = 10^(-2), output = listprocedure):

print(plots:-odeplot(dsnx, [[t, f(t)], [t, g(t)]], t = 0 .. 10));

How can i display numerical data instead of plots? This code just give me curves, but I need the values that Maple use to make the plot, how I do that?

thank you so much for your time and attention. 
best regards... 

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