Question: What is the correct way to add share library name to function/package calls?

I installed the shared library from

and it seems to have loaded ok. Now I can do

See ?share and ?share,contents for information about the share library

When browsing help, I noticed it has a function called IntSolve() for solving linear integral equations. Maple itself has function called intsolve() which is build-in.

Since Maple is case sensitive, I assumed when I type IntSolve() then it will find the shared version of IntSolve() automatically and not call Maple's own intsolve. And that is indeed what happed. I typed an example from the help on share as you can see


eq1 := p(x)-1/2*Int(x*y*p(y),y=0....1)=5/6*x;
                             ---- x
                            p(x) = x

Ok, So one of them is a little wrong :).

But suppose I want to explicitly add the share library there, in the call, as prefix, so that when I look at the code later, I can see which function I am calling. How should one do this? I tried

    Error, `share` does not evaluate to a module


The strange thing, is that this worked


Basically, all what I want is to way to add the share name to all the calls somewhere, so I know, when looking at the code, which call is from which library or package.

Any idea how to do this? So to avoid any possible name clash since the share library seems large.

I am using Maple 17.02

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