Question: How can I plot a shaded circular segment using Maple?

"Circular segment" is the unfortunate but standard term for the region between a chord and an arc of a circle sharing the same endpoints (see  I say "unfortunate" because the phrase suggests a line segment when it actually means a planar region.

I would like to plot a shaded circular segment using Maple17.  I want the endpoints of the chord & arc to be anything I please, so the chord is not necessarily horizontal, or vertical, or the diameter of the circle, etc.

At the URL

there is an image containing a shaded circular segment, but I don't see what code produced the image.  The image there includes a horizontal chord, and I don't know if the code used to produce that image can be adapted for chords that are not horizontal.

If I have to, I can plot a shaded polygon with a huge number of sides that is indistinguishable from a circular segment.  I have plotted polygons before.  But it would obviously be preferable to plot a shaded circular segment.

If there a way to plot two curves of the form r = f(theta) and shade the region between them?  This would be better than the huge-polygon approach, but not as good as a simple command for plotting a shaded circular segment, if such a command exists.

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