Question: Problem with fsolve

Hi everyone

I'm currently working on some mandate distribution using "Jefforson's Method" but I have run into some problems.

The general form of the calculations I do is as follows:

d:=fsolve(m = floor(v1/x)+floor(v2/x), x)

But in the case of m=5, v1=4969 and v2=208 it does not work. If I change v1 a bit it works as a charm but when 
4960=<v1=<4969 it does not.

Can any of you figure out why?


The equation surely has a solution (well, a lot of solutions). I can figure some out just by estimating and trying. Furthermore, wolfram alpha easily gives me several solutions:

So how come I cannot get Maple to solve it?


Thanks in advance!

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