Question: master theorem recurrence incident

Greetings to all.

I have run into a curious numeric event while computing Master theorem recurrences at this link.

I do have to say that this one has me worried. I am referring to Maple 15 (X86 64 LINUX).

Try the following program in a new Maple session.

T := proc(n)
option remember;
    if n = 0 then return 0 end if; 9*T(floor(1/3*n)) + n*(1 + ilog[3](n))^3
end proc;

T_ex := proc(n)
local m, d;
option remember;
    d := convert(n, base, 3);
    m := ilog[3](n);
    add(3^j*(1 + m - j)^3*add(d[k + 1]*3^k, k = j .. m), j = 0 .. m)
end proc;


The result is the following error message:

Error, (in T_ex) invalid subscript selector

Now try it again, in a new Maple session, but enter the following command first.

Digits := 50;

Now the result is


Consider the following program:

T := proc(n)
option remember;
    if n = 0 then return 0 end if; 9*T(floor(1/3*n)) + n*(1 + ilog[3](n))^3
end proc;

T_upper := proc(n)
local m;
option remember;
    m := ilog[3](n); 3^(2*m + 2)*sum(3^(-j)*j^3*(1 - 3^(-j)), j = 1 .. m + 1)
end proc;


The result is


But if you precede the program with the command


the result is once more


This is reproducible (restart Maple every time) and quite frankly, seems rather serious to me. Could someone please look into this.


Marko Riedel

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