Question: to solve a partial differential equation with maple

hey i am new here and i have a question,

i have an partial differential equation diff(u(t,x),t$2)=diff(u(t,x),x$2) with the intial value problem u(0,x)=f(x)=1/(1+x^2) and diff(u(0,x),t)=0

and now my question i have already programm it:

> with(inttrans);



> with(PDETools);

> k := diff(u(t, x), `$`(t, 2)) = diff(u(t, x), `$`(x, 2));
bc := u(0, x) = 1/(1+x^2);
v := diff(u(0, x), t) = 0;
d / d \ d / d \
--- |--- u(t, x)| = --- |--- u(t, x)|
dt \ dt / dx \ dx /
u(0, x) = ------
1 + x
0 = 0

> pdsolve(k, u(t, x));
print(`output redirected...`);
u(t, x) = _F1(x + t) + _F2(x - t)

> c := pdsolve({bc, k, v}, u(t, x));
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder

 and now question at the last there is nothing does it means that maple can´t solve it with the intial value problem and how can solve it with Fourier-Transformation to x???

can anyone help me please and sorry my englisch is not so good ;)

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