Question: Efficient method of repeatedly solving equations?

Hi Maple Prime-ers!

I have a question about efficiency.  I have a set of algebraic equations with some polynomials, that I would like to solve at different points.  I've tried using a for-loop and a map-loop.  Here is a example:


n:=10000;  #Number of solving points
eq1:={b = ''a^2'', c = b^3/2, d = c^(1/2)*4 + b^2}; #Equation to solve

a := convert([seq(i,i=1..n)],Vector);  #timesteps

ans := Vector[column](n)

## Try solving in a for-next loop
t1 := time():
for q from 1 to n do
ans(q):=solve(subs({'a' = a(q)},eq1)):
t2 := time() - t1;

## try solving in a map loop
t1s := time():
ans_s := map(q->solve(subs({'a' = a(q)},eq1)),a);
t2s := time() - t1s;

On my computer (2.2Ghz, 2 cores), these both take 115s to solve.  Using Map over For-Next did not speed up computational speed.  

The problem I wish to tackle has 12 equations, invovles 5th order polynomials, and n ~= 300000.  Solving this set of equations takes 2-3 hours.

Anyone know a more efficient method?  Thanks for reading :D


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