Question: Plotsetup: PostScript font question

Hi! I can't answer the following two simple questions.

1) Why do use different font sizes every other  files created by the attached worksheet?

2) What happens when we uncomment some (all) of the #restart lines, and execute the commands (execution groups)  in the original order? How many files should we get?


Update: sorry, I can't see the uploaded worksheet, but here it is as plain text:

#### on Fedora 18 Linux, Maple 17.01:




plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot1`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16]`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, title="Output: sinplot1.eps");


plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot2`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16], title="Output: sinplot2.eps");

#### Restart in the same execution group as the plot statements - no output file?

plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot3`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16]`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, title="Output: sinplot3.eps");

plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot4`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16], title="Output: sinplot4.eps");

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