Question: System of equations solve, solutions may be lost. Any suggestions?

Hi MaplePrime-ers!

I've been using the Maple(17) toolbox in Matlab(2012b) to quickly enumerate systems of equations by: (i) solving them symbolically, (ii) using unapply to make them functions, (iii) then supplying the points (driver equations) to get the system solution.  Speed is a must, because there may be 3 million+ systems to solve.  Symbolics is also very important because I am evaluating topology, so the structure of the equations may change, and therefore a functional approach will not work.

I have had success (seen in the first code snippet).  I would like similiar behaviour in the second code snippet, but sometimes I get 'solutions may be lost' as an error message,  or 'Error, (in unapply) variables must be unique and of type name'

The system of equations include:  Linear equations, 5th order polynomials, absolute functions, and pieceiwse functions.

Here is code with a topology that solves:

#Interconnection Equations
eq2[1] := FD_T + EM2_T = 0;
eq2[2] := ICE_T + GEN_T = 0;
eq2[3] := EM2_A + GEN_A + BAT_A = 0;
eq2[4] := -FD_W + EM2_W = 0;
eq2[5] := -ICE_W + GEN_W = 0;
eq2[6] := -EM2_V + GEN_V = 0;
eq2[7] := -EM2_V + BAT_V = 0;

eq_c[1] := ICE_mdot_g=((671.5) + (-21.94)*ICE_T + (0.1942)*ICE_W + (0.5113)*ICE_T^2 + (-0.01271)*ICE_T*ICE_W + ( -0.0008761)*ICE_W^2 + (-0.006071)*ICE_T^3 + (9.867e-07)*ICE_T^2*ICE_W + (5.616e-05)*ICE_T*ICE_W^2 + (1.588e-06)*ICE_W^3 + (3.61e-05)*ICE_T^4 + (8.98e-07)*ICE_T^3*ICE_W + (-2.814e-07)*ICE_T^2*ICE_W^2 + (-8.121e-08)*ICE_T*ICE_W^3 + ( -8.494e-08 )*ICE_T^5 + (-2.444e-09)*ICE_T^4*ICE_W + (-9.311e-10)*ICE_T^3*ICE_W^2 + ( 5.835e-10)*ICE_T^2*ICE_W^3 ) *1/3600/1000 * ICE_T * ICE_W;

eq_c[2] := BAT = 271;

EM2_ReqPow_eq := (-148.3) + (4.267)*abs(EM2_W) + (12.77)*abs(EM2_T) + (-0.0364)*abs(EM2_W)^2 + ( 1.16)*abs(EM2_W)*abs(EM2_T) + (-0.258)*abs(EM2_T)^2 + ( 0.0001181)*abs(EM2_W)^3 + (-0.0005994)*abs(EM2_W)^2*abs(EM2_T) + ( 0.0001171)*abs(EM2_W)*abs(EM2_T)^2 + (0.001739 )*abs(EM2_T)^3 + (-1.245e-07 )*abs(EM2_W)^4 + ( 1.2e-06)*abs(EM2_W)^3*abs(EM2_T) + ( -1.584e-06)*abs(EM2_W)^2*abs(EM2_T)^2 + ( 4.383e-07)*abs(EM2_W)*abs(EM2_T)^3 + (-2.947e-06)*abs(EM2_T)^4;
eq_c[3] := EM2_P = piecewise( EM2_T = 0, 0, EM2_W = 0, 0, EM2_W*EM2_T < 0,-1 * EM2_ReqPow_eq, EM2_ReqPow_eq);
eq_c[4] := EM2_A = EM2_P/EM2_V;

GEN_ReqPow_eq:= (-5.28e-12) + ( 3.849e-14)*abs(GEN_W) + (-71.9)*abs(GEN_T) + (-1.168e-16)*abs(GEN_W)^2 +(1.296)*abs(GEN_W)*abs(GEN_T) + (2.489)*abs(GEN_T)^2 + (1.451e-19)*abs(GEN_W)^3 + (0.0001326)*abs(GEN_W)^2*abs(GEN_T) + (-0.008141)*abs(GEN_W)*abs(GEN_T)^2 + (-0.004539)*abs(GEN_T)^3 +(-6.325e-23)*abs(GEN_W)^4 + (-2.091e-07)*abs(GEN_W)^3*abs(GEN_T) + ( 3.455e-06)*abs(GEN_W)^2*abs(GEN_T)^2 + ( 2.499e-05)*abs(GEN_W)*abs(GEN_T)^3 + (-5.321e-05)*abs(GEN_T)^4;
eq_c[5] := GEN_P = piecewise( GEN_T = 0, 0, GEN_W = 0, 0, GEN_W*GEN_T < 0,-1 * GEN_ReqPow_eq, GEN_ReqPow_eq);
eq_c[6] := GEN_A = GEN_P/GEN_V;



sys_eqs2 := convert(eq2,set) union {eq_c[1],eq_c[2],eq_c[3],eq_c[4],eq_c[5],eq_c[6]};

#Selecting which variables to solve for:

drivers2:= { ICE_T,ICE_W,FD_T,FD_W};
notdrivers2:=symvarnames2 minus drivers2;

#Symbolic solve

sol2:=solve(sys_eqs2,notdrivers2) assuming real:

#Enumerate (there will generally be about 40, not 6)

count := 0;
for i1 from 1 to 40 do
     for i2 from 1 to 40 do
          for i3 from 1 to 40 do
               for i4 from 1 to 40 do
                    count := count + 1;
                    solsol2(count) := symb_sol2(i1,i2,i3,i4);

This works great!  I would like simliar output in my second code snippet, but this time with more inputs to symb_sol.  However, if I try and change the interconnection equations a little, and add a piecewise function, and another driver... (differences in bold)

#Interconnection Equations
eq1[1] := FD_T+EM2_T = 0;
eq1[2] := ICE_T+GBb_T = 0;
eq1[3] := GEN_T+GBa_T = 0;
eq1[4] := EM2_A+GEN_A+BAT_A = 0;
eq1[5] := -FD_W+EM2_W = 0;
eq1[6] := -GEN_W+GBa_W = 0;
eq1[7] := -ICE_W+GBb_W = 0;
eq1[8] := -EM2_V+GEN_V = 0;
eq1[9] := -EM2_V+BAT_V = 0;

eq_c[1] := ICE_mdot_g=((671.5) + (-21.94)*ICE_T + (0.1942)*ICE_W + (0.5113)*ICE_T^2 + (-0.01271)*ICE_T*ICE_W + ( -0.0008761)*ICE_W^2 + (-0.006071)*ICE_T^3 + (9.867e-07)*ICE_T^2*ICE_W + (5.616e-05)*ICE_T*ICE_W^2 + (1.588e-06)*ICE_W^3 + (3.61e-05)*ICE_T^4 + (8.98e-07)*ICE_T^3*ICE_W + (-2.814e-07)*ICE_T^2*ICE_W^2 + (-8.121e-08)*ICE_T*ICE_W^3 + ( -8.494e-08 )*ICE_T^5 + (-2.444e-09)*ICE_T^4*ICE_W + (-9.311e-10)*ICE_T^3*ICE_W^2 + ( 5.835e-10)*ICE_T^2*ICE_W^3 ) *1/3600/1000 * ICE_T * ICE_W;

eq_c[2] := BAT = 271;

EM2_ReqPow_eq := (-148.3) + (4.267)*abs(EM2_W) + (12.77)*abs(EM2_T) + (-0.0364)*abs(EM2_W)^2 + ( 1.16)*abs(EM2_W)*abs(EM2_T) + (-0.258)*abs(EM2_T)^2 + ( 0.0001181)*abs(EM2_W)^3 + (-0.0005994)*abs(EM2_W)^2*abs(EM2_T) + ( 0.0001171)*abs(EM2_W)*abs(EM2_T)^2 + (0.001739 )*abs(EM2_T)^3 + (-1.245e-07 )*abs(EM2_W)^4 + ( 1.2e-06)*abs(EM2_W)^3*abs(EM2_T) + ( -1.584e-06)*abs(EM2_W)^2*abs(EM2_T)^2 + ( 4.383e-07)*abs(EM2_W)*abs(EM2_T)^3 + (-2.947e-06)*abs(EM2_T)^4;
eq_c[3] := EM2_P = piecewise( EM2_T = 0, 0, EM2_W = 0, 0, EM2_W*EM2_T < 0,-1 * EM2_ReqPow_eq, EM2_ReqPow_eq);
eq_c[4] := EM2_A = EM2_P/EM2_V;

GEN_ReqPow_eq:= (-5.28e-12) + ( 3.849e-14)*abs(GEN_W) + (-71.9)*abs(GEN_T) + (-1.168e-16)*abs(GEN_W)^2 +(1.296)*abs(GEN_W)*abs(GEN_T) + (2.489)*abs(GEN_T)^2 + (1.451e-19)*abs(GEN_W)^3 + (0.0001326)*abs(GEN_W)^2*abs(GEN_T) + (-0.008141)*abs(GEN_W)*abs(GEN_T)^2 + (-0.004539)*abs(GEN_T)^3 +(-6.325e-23)*abs(GEN_W)^4 + (-2.091e-07)*abs(GEN_W)^3*abs(GEN_T) + ( 3.455e-06)*abs(GEN_W)^2*abs(GEN_T)^2 + ( 2.499e-05)*abs(GEN_W)*abs(GEN_T)^3 + (-5.321e-05)*abs(GEN_T)^4;
eq_c[5] := GEN_P = piecewise( GEN_T = 0, 0, GEN_W = 0, 0, GEN_W*GEN_T < 0,-1 * GEN_ReqPow_eq, GEN_ReqPow_eq);
eq_c[6] := GEN_A = GEN_P/GEN_V;

FiveSpeedGearbox_R := proc(ig)
local i ,eq;
eq:= piecewise(ig=1,i[1],ig=2, i[2],ig=3,i[3],ig=4,i[4],ig=5,i[5],1);
return eq(ig);
end proc;

eq_c[7] := GBb_T = -1/GB_R * GBa_T;
eq_c[8] := GBb_W = GB_R * GBa_W;
eq_c[9] := GB_R = FiveSpeedGearbox_R(ig);


#System Equations
sys_eqs := convert(eq1,set) union convert(eq_c,set);


 #Solve for variables
drivers:= {ig, ICE_T,ICE_W,FD_T,FD_W};
not_drivers := symvarnames minus drivers;



sol:=(solve(sys_eqs,not_drivers) assuming real);

symb_sol:=unapply(sol,convert(drivers,list)): ---> Error, (in unapply) variables must be unique and of type name

Subsequent parts don't work...

count := 0;
for i1 from 1 to 40 do
     for i2 from 1 to 40 do
          for i3 from 1 to 40 do
               for i4 from 1 to 40 do
                    for i5 from 1 to 40 do
                         count := count + 1;
                         solsol2(count) := symb_sol2(i1,i2,i3,i4,5);

While running the last line sol:, 1 of 2 things will happen, depending on the solver. Maple17 will take a long time (30+ minutes) to solve, then report nothing, or sol will solve, but will report "some solutions have been lost".

Afterwards, evaluating symb_sol(0,0,0,0,0) will return a viable solution (real values for each of the variables).  Whereas evaluating symb_sol(0,X,0,0,0), where X <> 0, will return and empty list [].

Does anyone know how to (i) speed up the symbolic solve time?  (ii) Return ALL of the solutions?


Thanks in advance for reading this.  I've really no idea why this isn't working.  I've also attached two worksheets with the code:


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