Question: System of equations with the implicit variables


I am new in Maple and I'm trying to get functions from system of equations.

Constants are defined in line 4 and equations are:

eq1 := E2 = fE2(1+(KaE2+Ca)/(1+KaE2*fE2+KaT*fT+KaDHT*fDHT)+KsE2*Cshbg/(1+KsE2*fE2+KsT*fT+KsDHT*fDHT))

eq2 := T = fT(1+KaT*Ca/(1+KaE2*fE2+KaT*fT+KaDHT*fDHT)+KsT*Cshbg/(1+KsE2*fE2+KsT*fT+KsDHT*fDHT))

eq3 := DHT = fDHT(1+KaDHT*Ca/(1+KaE2*fE2+KaT*fT+KaDHT*fDHT)+KsDHT*Cshbg/(1+KsE2*fE2+KsT*fT+KsDHT*fDHT))

KsT = 0.10e11; KaT = 4.6*0.10e6; KsE2 = 3.14*0.10e10; KaE2 = 4.21*0.10e6; KsDHT = 3*0.10e6; KaDHT = 3.5*0.10e6;

fT, fE2 and fDHT are variables, not functions (i.e. fT is not f(T) ) and I am trying to get fT=f(E2,T,DHT,Ca,Cshbg), fE2=f(E2,T,DHT,Ca,Cshbg) and fDHT=f(E2,T,DHT,Ca,Cshbg).

When I type:

eliminate({eq1, eq2, eq3}, {fE2, fT, fDHT})

Maple gives me a blank field. No error, no other comment.

I have no idea where I'm making mistakes.

Any suggestion is appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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