Question: find and solutions of determining equations

Hello i want to sort according to u derivatives (k) system.  And finding determining equations system and solving this system. Thank you very much.  



[CanonicalCoordinates, ChangeSymmetry, CharacteristicQ, CharacteristicQInvariants, ConservedCurrentTest, ConservedCurrents, ConsistencyTest, D_Dx, DeterminingPDE, Eta_k, Euler, FromJet, InfinitesimalGenerator, Infinitesimals, IntegratingFactorTest, IntegratingFactors, InvariantEquation, InvariantSolutions, InvariantTransformation, Invariants, Laplace, Library, PDEplot, PolynomialSolutions, ReducedForm, SimilaritySolutions, SimilarityTransformation, Solve, SymmetrySolutions, SymmetryTest, SymmetryTransformation, TWSolutions, ToJet, build, casesplit, charstrip, dchange, dcoeffs, declare, diff_table, difforder, dpolyform, dsubs, mapde, separability, splitstrip, splitsys, undeclare]


U := diff_table(u(x, y, t))

table( [(  ) = u(x, y, t) ] )



u(x, y, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


pde := diff(U[t]-(3/2)*U[x]-6*U[]^2*U[x]+U[x, x, x], x)+U[y, y] = 0

diff(diff(u(x, y, t), t), x)-(3/2)*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))-12*u(x, y, t)*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))^2-6*u(x, y, t)^2*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+diff(diff(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x), x), x)+diff(diff(u(x, y, t), y), y) = 0



w := phi(x, y, t, U[])

phi(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))


w*(-12*U[x]^2-12*U[]*U[x, x])+12*w*U[x]^2+12*U[]*w*U[x, x]+(diff(w, x, x))*(-3/2-6*U[]^2)+diff(diff(w, t), x)+diff(w, y, y)+diff(w, x, x, x, x)-lambda*(diff(U[t]-(3/2)*U[x]-6*U[]^2*U[x]+U[x, x, x], x)+U[y, y])

-lambda*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), t), x)-(3/2)*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))-12*u(x, y, t)*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))^2-6*u(x, y, t)^2*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+diff(diff(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x), x), x)+diff(diff(u(x, y, t), y), y))+(D[1, 1, 1, 1](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+(D[1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+((D[1, 1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+(D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+2*((D[1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+(D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x), x))+((D[1, 1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+(D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+((D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+(D[4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+2*((D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+3*((D[1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x)))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+3*((D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x), x))+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x), x), x))+(D[2, 2](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[2, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), y))+((D[2, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), y)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), y))+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), y), y))+(D[1, 3](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[3, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), t))+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), t), x))+((D[1, 1](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+((D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x)))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x)))*(-3/2-6*u(x, y, t)^2)+12*u(x, y, t)*phi(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x))+12*phi(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))^2+phi(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(-12*(diff(u(x, y, t), x))^2-12*u(x, y, t)*(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x)))


k := simplify(%)

-(3/2)*(D[1, 1](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 3](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[2, 2](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+(D[1, 1, 1, 1](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))+4*(D[1, 1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)+6*(D[1, 1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+4*(D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1, 1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+2*(D[2, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[2](u))(x, y, t)+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[2, 2](u))(x, y, t)+(D[3, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)+(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 3](u))(x, y, t)-3*(D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)-(3/2)*(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)-lambda*(D[1, 3](u))(x, y, t)+(3/2)*lambda*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)-lambda*(D[1, 1, 1, 1](u))(x, y, t)-lambda*(D[2, 2](u))(x, y, t)+6*(D[1, 1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^2+4*(D[1, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^3+(D[4, 4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^4+3*(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)^2+(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[2](u))(x, y, t)^2+(D[3](u))(x, y, t)*(D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))-(3/2)*(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^2-6*(D[1, 1](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*u(x, y, t)^2+12*lambda*u(x, y, t)*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^2+6*lambda*u(x, y, t)^2*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+12*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)*(D[1, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+6*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^2*(D[4, 4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+4*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)*(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1, 1](u))(x, y, t)+(D[3](u))(x, y, t)*(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)-12*(D[1, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)*u(x, y, t)^2-6*(D[4, 4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1](u))(x, y, t)^2*u(x, y, t)^2-6*(D[4](phi))(x, y, t, u(x, y, t))*(D[1, 1](u))(x, y, t)*u(x, y, t)^2


frontend(coeff, [k, U[x]^2]);



frontend(coeff, [k, U[x]*U[x, x]])

Error, invalid input: coeff received O*O, which is not valid for its 2nd argument, x





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