Question: Unable to Parse

Dear Maple Experts,

i am new to maple and I am trying to write a maple algorithm in order to calculate the GCD of two functions. 

I have defined the two functions and written the algorithm, but I get an error "Unable to Parse".

Here is my code:

restart; with(Algebraic); with(LinearAlgebra[Generic]); with(RegularChains); with(FastArithmeticTools); with(ChainTools); interface(rtablesize = 15);

f := (y^2-1)*((y+1)*x^4+(y^2-1)*x^3+(y^3-1)*x^2+(y^4-1)*x+y^5-1);

g := (y-1)*x^5+(y^2-1)*x^4+(y^3-1)*x^3+(y^4-1)*x^2+(y^5-1)*x+y^6-1;

SubRes:=proc(f,g,var): local  i,a, delta, beta, psi: if degree(f,var)<degree(g,var) then a[0]:=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(g,var): a[1]:=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(f,var): else a[0]=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(f,var): a[1]:=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(g,var): fi: delta[0]:=degree(a[0],var)-degree(a[1],var): beta[2]:=(-1)^((delta[0]+1)): psi[2]:=-1: i:=1: while a[i]<>0 do a[i+1]:=(prem(a[i-1], a[i], var))/(beta[i+1]): delta[i]:=degree(a[i],var)-degree(a[i+1], var): i:=i+1: psi[i+1]:=((-lcoeff(a[i-1],var))^((delta[i-2])))*((psi[i])^((1-delta[i-2]))): beta[i+1]:=-lcoeff(a[i-1],var)*(psi[i+1])^((delta[i-1])): od: print("Last Non-Zero Subresultant: ", sort(simplify(a[i-1])),y): return (Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(a[i-1],var)): end proc

and I get this error:

Error, unable to parse

Would you kindly help me to fix this issue?

Kind Regards,



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