Question: how to avoid loading package and still access all of its features?

I prefer to write packge:-command(....) so I can see which package the command is from.

But sometimes I am forced to load  a package. Here is an example. IntegrationTools contains some useful types

At load time the IntegrationTools package defines three new types: Integral, DefiniteIntegral and IndefiniteIntegral, which can be used to access integrals involved in any given expression.

I thought I can access these just like the commands in the package, using ":-" notation, but this does not work

v := Int(sin(x), x);


Error, IndefiniteIntegral is not a command in the IntegrationTools package

But this works

v := Int(sin(x), x);

It looks like :- only works to access functions/commands/procs in a package. and not to access types such as in this example.

Is there some other notation to use to reference types in package without having to load the whole package?


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