Question: Solving a piecewise differential equation system

Hi there,

I've got the following differential equation system:,

dU/dt = delta·dotD -lambda·U - kappa·U^2
dL/dt = (1-phi)·lambda·U + 1/4 ·kappa·U^2

being phi, delta, kappa, lambda, kappa some fixed parameters of the system, and where dotD (the derivative wrt time of a function D), which is defined a piecewise funtion:

dotD(t)=1/(3·T1)·DT for t in [0,T1]

dotD(t)=2/(3·(T2-T1-T))·DT for t in [T1+T,T2]

where T and DT are also known, and T1 approaches 0, and T2 approaches T1+T.

Setting the equation system in Maple and trying to solve it, gives a NULL result. However, trying to solve each piece separately seems to work fine.

Why is this?


Furthermore, taking limits for the [T1+T,T2] part (having solved each piece separately) yields an invalid limits point error. Ain't the possibility to take limits for both parameters at the same time?

Any ideas?


This is the Maple worksheet:

Thank you.


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