Question: limit on elements of a Record


Following situation: I have Records with several members. These members in turn have varied expressions assigned to them: some have numbers, one has a Matrix, some have formulae. Example:

q:=Record(l=len,k1=kl/len,R=(a 6x6 Matrix dependent on len and kl/len));

I want to be able to use the limit command on each of the members of q such that each member gets assigned the correct limit of its expression. I.e. I want to write a function limit2 such that



Record(l=0,k1=infinity,R=(limit~(the Matrix,len=0))

The trick here is that the members of the Record vary for different Records but I want to write a function limit2 that works for all of these. I can make a list of the members by using exports(q) like this:


and after some fiddling I found that I can run limit on each member in turn:

for nam in exlist do
end do;

What I have not been able to do is putting the result back into the member of the Record. Usually I would use assign for such a task, but I am unable to get the correct name on the left side that lets me assign to it. These names would of course be q:-l, q:-k1 and q:-R in the above example. I tried the parse(cat(...)) construct above and variations, but in the best case the assignment does not happen, in worse cases I get an error thrown. Never do I get the actual assignment.

Any hint how to do this?



PS: FWIW, I am doing this on Mape 15.


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