Question: 'tord' error in Basis and Normal Form

T := lexdeg([x,y,z],[e1,e2]);
intermsof1 := y;
intermsof2 := -z;
GB := Basis([e1-intermsof1, e2-intermsof2], 'tord',T);
result := NormalForm(y^2-x*z, GB,'tord', T);
result := NormalForm(y^2-x*z, GB, T);

originally Basis do not have error when without parameter 'tord'

after it has argument error, it has to be added extra parameter tord

NormalForm has the same error too.

i do not understand why it has error, how to solve?

i just want to express y^2-x*z in terms of y and -z



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