Question: How to work with wav files?

Hello to all


I am Jorge Gracia an exchange student working on my Thesis.

I started working with maple recently, and I am having some problems to achieve the results that I am looking for.

My work consist in the next Steps.

Using maple and taking some fatigue tests data, create a wav file with the some of the following formats:

Supported data formats are wave type 1 (PCM integer Data 8 Bit unsigned, 16 Bit signed or 32 Bit

signed) and wave type 3 (PCM float data (32 Bit IEEE float).


In the same way, if I already have a wav file, read the values of every point of the wave in order to understand and study the results.


If I have a normal plot, convert it into a wav file plot with the formats from above

With all the results, I will be able to work with this wav files in a fatigue test machine achieving more realistic results than with the standard waves.


All the information about this will be welcome.


Thank you for all.

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