Question: DirectSearch Help migration into M2015

So I installed copied DirectSearch.hdp and DirectSearch.mla into my Maple2015\lib directory and the program works (all the functions are there) but I cant get help menu by querying ?DirectSearch.

I'm running win7 64bit btw

so under


i put this into maple:


but i get error....

"Converting C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2015\\lib\\DirectSearch.hdb to C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2015\\lib\\"
Warning, .hdb help databases are deprecated, 'C:\Program Files\Maple 2015\lib\DirectSearch.hdb' will not be used, see ?HelpTools,Migrate help page for more information
Error, (in HelpTools:-HelpCallUI) cannot create help database: 'unable to open database file'

any clue?

ps I asked the same question for M18 but I managed to get the help to work in that instance.

(i also copied DirectSearch.hdp and DirectSearch.mla to Maple2015\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS directory but no joy, there is no .help file created in either bin or lib directories)

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