Question: How to solve this equation?



If I type this into a CAS calculator from Texas, I get the right result for Uc wich is 545.2.


This is used in AC circuits.

However, in Maple I'm using polar coordinates, so Im using this preamble:

phasor := proc (r, theta) options operator, arrow; r*cos(convert(theta*degrees, radians))+I*r*sin(convert(theta*degrees, radians)) end proc

This basically means that I can write phasor(value,angle in degrees) and get the lenth and angle of a vector on the complex plane.

Basically I want to know how I can make Maple solve this:

evalf(solve({phasor(U__C, -90) = phasor(400, X)-phasor(150, 0)+phasor(174.4, 90)}, {Uc, X})) Where I'm just interested in U_C , X doesn't matter.

I can't figure out how to do this with my current preamble. Does anyone know how to make this work?

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